Naue Block system for reinforced walls and bridge abutments
When embankments are planned with angles exceeding 70°, a vegetated face is usually not possible or requires significant and potentially cost-prohibitive work. These situations require harder exteriors, which elevates the importance of surface aesthetics to the reinforced structure. The NaueBlock system for reinforced walls and bridge abutments is a Secugrid® geogrid system for reinforcing earth structures and walls while incorporating brick, block, precast concrete, natural stone and other facings for design flexibility.
Secugrid® geogrids are placed between the facing elements and anchored in the soil for outstanding structural stability. This strength enables Naue Block to adapt to project specific requirements, allows numerous wall shapes (including rounded corners), and results in economical, aesthetic solutions. Where needed, additional mechanical protection can be provided with the installation of a nonwoven geotextile filter behind the facing. Walls and slopes can be built to 90° angles.