Secugrid® HS are high strength geogrids
They are laid geogrids made of high tenacity polyester filaments with an extruded polyethylene protective coating and welded junctions. Secugrid® HS combines high tensile strength and low creep tendency with extreme robustness and resistance. Secugrid® HS was developed specifically for geotechnical applications in earthworks where tensile strengths of more than 400 kN/m are required.
Typical applications for Secugrid® HS Geogrids
Embankment on soft soil
The high-strength Secugrid® HS basal reinforcement increases the stability of embankment structures on soft soils – during construction phases and in the final state.
Advantages for your project:
Load transfer platform over piles
The design of reinforced load transfer platforms over piles is used to control embankment stability and settlements. The piles are transferring the load of the embankment through the soft compressible soil layer to a deeper, firm foundation. The relief of the stresses onto the soft soil is achieved by load distribution within the reinforced base course towards the piles.
Advantages for your project:
Bridging of sinkholes and mining voids
Secugrid® HS is installed below embankments or fill layers in order to limit the amount of surface deformation caused by subsidence. These voids can be the result of natural processes (e.g. subrosion in karstic areas) or artificial processes (e.g. groundwater extraction or underground mining).
Advantages for your project:
Secugrid® HS product advantages
Secugrid® HS is the choice for all applications where high tensile strengths over a long service life is required. The selection of the polymers used in combination with the applied product technology guarantees a robust and durable reinforcement product.
Usual reduction factors (EBGEO 2010) vs. Secugrid® HS
Low creep tendency
All geosynthetics that are exposed to permanent loads experience loss of tensile strength over time as a result of creep effects. The degree of tensile strength reduction depends on the stress level, time, temperature and molecular composition of the polymer used. Table 1 shows a comparison between the usual reduction factors for polymer-specific geosynthetics (see EBGEO 2010) and the result for Secugrid® HS. The comparison documents the high quality of Secugrid® HS with regard to its very low creep tendency.
Robust against damage during installation
Installation of soil and the subsequent compaction mean high stresses for geogrids during the installation phase. Robust reinforcement products largely retain their strength during installation. The very high robustness of Secugrid® HS was documented in field trials. For Secugrid® HS 1200/100 R6, for example, a reduction factor of only 1.03 can be expected when installed below crushed stone (d85 < 35 mm).
Field trial with Secugrid® HS to determine the installation damage reduction factor
More geogrids
Combigrid® is composite of a laid geogrid made of stretched, monolithic flat bars with welded junctions and a mechanical bonded geotextile welded within the geogrid structure.
Secugrid® geogrids for soil stabilisation and reinforcement. Secugrid® is a structurally sound and stable geogrid for soil reinforcement, manufactured of extruded and drawn polypropylene (PP) bars, laid and welded solid together.
Geogrid software
SecuSlope 3.0 is a user-friendly, interactiv, design-orientated program for creating geogrid-reinforced slopes, walls, and abutments.
With the Naue Platform Software, you can design base course thicknesses for Secugrid® or Combigrid® stabilised and reinforced base courses in different applications such as working platforms for tracked plants (e.g. piling rigs), hardstands for cranes and heavy equipment, storage areas, etc.
With the Naue SecuCalc Software, you are designing base course thicknesses for Secugrid® or Combigrid® stabilised and reinforced base courses in road construction as well as for parking and storage areas or similar applications.