Naue Case Studies
Bentofix® X – Meizhou Cultural Village – China
Meizhou City, now known as Meishan City, is a prefectural-level municipality in the Sichuan Province, China. More than 3 million inhabitants are registered in this city. Morphologically, the town is located south-west of the Sichuan Basin, a lowland region surrounded by mountains and drained by the Yangtze River.
Secugrid® – Repair of flood damage „Leubethaer Street“ in Freiberg – Germany
In May 2018 a storm front hit the Vogtland region in Germany with full force. Up to 150l of rainfall were measured in one hour. In the Adorf district of Freiberg the heavy rainfall caused the greatest damage of the storm. Over a length of 30m the Leubethaer Street was washed away. A culvert located in this area could no longer absorb the enormous quantities of water. This led to a water accumulation within the road embankment. Fine particles of the fill soil were successively washed out and the slope collapsed completely.
Secutex® Green – Renaturation/relocation of the Erft river near Neuss-Gnadental – Germany
The Erft is a southwestern and left tributary of the Rhine, about 107 km long. Its course and water flow have been changed many times since the Middle Ages. In July 2021, some parts of Germany experienced continuous rain and floods, also in the catchment area of the Erft. In many places, the Erft overflowed its banks considerably, for example, in Bad Münstereifel and Erftstadt-Blessem, where - intensified by a rushing current - major damage was caused. Shortly before it flows into the Rhine, the Erft, which has been straightened over the past decades, is to be renatured, and the meandering course of the existing old arms is to be reconnected to the watercourse. This measure is part of the „Lower Erft“ perspective concept. The concept includes the near-natural redesign of the 40km long section of the Erft river from Bergheim to Neuss. Here, the Erft is being adapted to the reduced water flow (about a quarter of today‘s volume) associated with the end of lignite extraction.
Bentofix® X – Water treatment plant in Niger
Millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa have little or no reliable access to clean drinking water. Securing freshwater is a high priority in these regions.
Bentofix® Secudrain® Secugrid® – Storm water retention pond Ziegenschleppe – Germany
To improve the water retention capacity and the flood protection situation in the tributary to the Zwickauer Mulde after the devastating floods on the Mulde and Elbe in 2002, additional water retention areas were created. In the town of Schneeberg on the Schlema, a storm water retention pond was constructed in 2005 with a utilisation volume of approximately 23,400m³. The main components also included an inlet and two outlets as reinforced-concrete structure, an emergency spillway as a rough ramp, 28m of DN 1400 drainage channel and, in addition, the entire mechanical and electrical equipment of the inlet structure.
Bentofix® Secugrid® Naue Steel P – Shooting range of the shooting sports club (SSC) Schale – Germany
The “Schale Shooting Sports Club” (SSC Schale) in Hopsten, Germany, invested almost € 5 million in constructing two new skeet shooting ranges with the support of the federal government, the state, and the municipality. For noise protection, a 24m high wall was built, also collecting the shotgun pellets for recycling. The wall material is mainly from soil aggregate with „environmentally relevant substances“ (e.g., milled material from road shoulders), which was used as fill material for the geogrid reinforced soil structure.
Secugrid® HS – Protective measures Laugneri II (Ost)
Between the Lake Zug, Lake Lauerz and Lake Lucerne in Switzerland rises a 1798m high mountain mass – the Rigi. The community Weggis is located between the lakefront and the steep south-western slope of the Rigi. Due to the morphological and geological conditions, various residential areas near the lake are seriously endangered by rockfall or landslides.
Secutex® Green – Visitor Centre Access Road & Car Park Area Northam Burrows Visitor Centre – North Devon
For the first time in the UK, a new and innovative biodegradable geotextile from Naue Geosynthetics has been used in the construction of an elevated access road and car parking area for the Visitor Centre at Northam Burrows Country Park on the North Devon coast.
Combigrid® Secugrid® – National Road L 133 in Grasberg – Germany
In Grasberg, Germany, asphalt concrete pavements in rural roads still exist. In this swampy area, also the state road L 133 was equipped with a stiff concrete pavement surface at that time.
Secugrid® – Development of Haulage Depot – Malaysia
Pulau Indah is an island off the coastal Klang district located about 40km from Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. West Port, the largest port in Malaysia ranked 12th in the World Container Ports at the time of writing, is located on this island. Klang is well known for unfavourable ground conditions and engineering challenges for construction on the widespread soft clay deposits. The so-called “Klang Clay” consists of rather homogenous soft clay (SPT N
Secumat® – Heidlandgraben – Germany
While expanding the surface drainage of an industrial area in Hamburg-Harburg, the Heidlandgraben was expanded. The cross-section of the drainage channel had to be given a larger volume in the confined space between the plots of land and thus be able to hold more capacity. For this reason, it was necessary to make the slopes relatively steep. The subgrade formed a sandy subsoil, on which the topsoil for the greening required additional support against surface-parallel erosion phenomena.
Secumat® – Car Park – Germany
Around an approx. 50,000m2 car park for new cars of a German car manufacturer, a trench was planned to collect the surface water.
Secugrid®HS – B91, Expansion of the federal highway between Deuben and Werschen – Germany
The federal highway B 91 between the cities Deuben and Werschen in Germany is a main road with a collector access to the A9 motorway. The subsoil risks resulting from former lignite mining activities represent an enormous challenge in the region. Subsidence has occurred regularly in the past.
Secutex® Soft Rock – Geotextile wall Lubmin – Germany
At the seaside resort of Lubmin (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany), the storm surge in 2017 and two storm surges in 2019 led to a substantial decline of the dune due to erosion, so that short-term action was needed. Due to the cramped conditions on site, the State Office for Agriculture and the Environment (StALU) could not construct the coastal protection dune according to its intended cross-section. In case of an imminent complete erosion of the dune in the event of a storm surge, an additional construction had to take over the function as the last barrier against breakthrough.
Secugrid® – Bridging of mining voids at Day-Care Centre “Albrecht-Dürer-Straße” – Germany
The new day-care centre “Albrecht-Dürer-Strasse” in Halle (Saale), Germany will provide room for 200 kids and is part of a municipal investment programme. The site is located on the edge of a 150-year-old mine. A special underground mining technique called “room and pillar caving” was used to extract brown coal. This method does not fill the created cavities after extraction of the coal. As a result, the overlying rock layers settle after the mining operations and fill the cavities. It can, however, not be precluded that residual cavities may cause subsidence at the surface of the terrain. Based on these findings, safety measures had to be taken in the area of the open space of the day-care centre.
Secugrid® HS – Electrification “Südbahn”, Ulm Central Station – Germany
The oldest railway line in Württemberg, Germany, the „Südbahn“, will be electrified and upgraded for a maximum speed of 160km/h. As part of the rehabilitation works, an old bridge near Langenargen will be replaced. In order to create sufficient working and storage space for the construction work, a 4,900m2 large working platform was built directly next to the railway line.
Secutex® Green – Rehabilitation of Krainerwand & relocation of Mühlkanal – Germany
During the development of the „Goldmorgen Süd“ construction area near Stuttgart, Germany, a water retaining wall is erected facing the mill canal. Since the stability of this wall is massively impaired, a thorough rehabilitation is necessary.
Bentofix® X – Huawei Song Shan Lake – China
Huawei Ox Horn Campus was developed on the south shore of Songshan Lake, Dongguan, Guangdong Province, China. The Europeanthemed model village consists of 12 groups of buildings, inspired by European cities or regions. The buildings will be used as Huawei’s Research and Development Centre with a capacity of 25.000 employees and a total GFA of over 1 million square meters. The total cost of the entire complex is around $1.5 billion.
Secugrid® – Srinakarin – Romklao Road – Thailand
Over the past 10 years the Bangkok Metropolitan Region has experienced an increase in the traffic volume due to rapid urbanisation. Bangkok Metropolitan Administration as the local government considered it necessary to accommodate the changing traffic flow with the realisation of the Srinakarin – Romklao Road Project. The 11.2km long road is expected to reduce the traffic between the western and eastern region of Bangkok, especially in the Hua Mak Region. A total of 5.5 billion Baht (150 million US$) investment has been made for this project.
Secutex® Soft Rock – Protection shore Bang Muang – Thailand
The Bangsak Beach, which is located at Bang Muang, Takua Pa district, Phang Nga province of Thailand, has been frequently visited by both tourists and locals due to its beautiful beachfront. The existence of the beach is important to the local economy and especially to tourism in the region.
Secugrid® – Pekan – Terapai Slope Repair – Malaysia
Pahang is the largest federal state in Peninsular Malaysia. Pekan is the royal capital city and it used to be the capital city in the past. With a population that is considered high in Peninsular Malaysia, an adequate infrastructure within or intercity of Pahang is required.
Secutex® Soft Rock – PKNS Seri Selangor Golf Club
The Seri Selangor Golf Club (KGSS) located at Damansara, Selangor is an 18-hole golf course wholly owned by the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS). Near hole no. 18 a natural stream crosses the golf club area. It adjoins the coffee house at the main entrance where a grand view of the overall KGSS Golf course is given.
Secutex® HB – Pile dwellings at Rapperswil-Jona
The pile dwellings in upper Lake Zurich, Switzerland originated 4000 years ago and were awarded the status of a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2011. Natural erosion and the turbulence created by the busy shipping were endangering these unique structures in the shallow water zone. With the help of Secutex® HB geotextile filter and protection sand mats they were secured for posterity.
Bentofix® Carbofol® Secugrid® – Nyamasoga Landfill -Uganda
The Nyamasoga Landfill in Uganda is a critically important hazardous waste facility in the oil-rich Hoima District. The 44 ha site is in close proximity to drilling pads and a proposed refinery. The site is also something of a trailblazer. In the absence of any governing hazardous waste barrier standards in the country for such a site, the facility owner chose a fully modernised design with geosynthetics from Naue for environmental security.