Naue updates MSE Design Software for FHWA, BS 8006, and EuroCode 7

4 January 2016 – International geosynthetics manufacturer and engineering services provider Naue GmbH & Co. KG announces the release of the 2016 update to its SecuSlope design software for mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) applications.
SecuSlope 3.0 is a user-friendly, interactive, design-orientated program for creating geogrid-reinforced slopes, walls, and abutments. Based upon a user’s project-specific inputs, the English-language software produces optimal geosynthetic reinforcement layouts (e.g., geogrid type, length and spacing). The results are based upon the extensive design record of Secugrid® geogrid reinforcement products. Factors utilized by the software include reinforcement strengths, reduction factors, design safety factors, pore-water pressure, and seismicity.
Geogrid reinforcement makes MSE designs more economical and sustainable by better utilizing the available space and soil strengths. In many instances the use of geosynthetics can make the construction of a project possible. Globally, MSE software and geosynthetic materials have improved the performance and safety of roadways, railways, commercial construction, mining operations, and much more.
SecuSlope 3.0 is fully updated for state-of-practice use with FHWA (limit equilibrium), BS 8006 (ultimate limit state), and EuroCode 7 (EC7) following the German EBGEO (Recommendations for Design and Analysis of Earth Structures using Geosynthetic Reinforcements) design guide.
A free, downloadable version of SecuSlope 3.0 is available at here.
E-mail with the subject line “SecuSlope” with questions or to request a copy of the software or affiliated MSE design and engineering information with geosynthetics.