Naue geogrids now also with CE mark for the “Stabilisation” function

Naue geogrids now also with CE mark for the “Stabilisation” function
Naue Secugrid® and Naue Combigrid® guarantee long-lasting stabilisation and reinforcement of base courses. The CE marking of these two innovative and robust geogrid products underlines the fulfilment of this essential requirement.
When building roads, railway lines, parking- and storage areas, as well as temporary working platforms, unbound aggregate layers are an essential component for absorbing the traffic loads.
For a durable and sustainable infrastructure, it is of great importance to keep the deformations within the base layer, resulting from the traffic loads, as low as possible.
This is exactly where the stabilisation function of Secugrid® and Combigrid® comes into play, which was provided as part of a product performance verification within a European Technical Assessment (ETA).
The essential performance feature of Secugrid® and Combigrid® for an effective stabilisation of unbound base courses is its rigidity and extensional stiffness. This describes the resistance of the geogrid to reliably counteract loosening effects within the base layer in any direction, caused by cyclic and dynamic stresses from traffic loads. The interlocking of the base course material with the apertures of the geogrid prevents the aggregate particles from spreading laterally under the traffic load – the unbound aggregate is “stabilized”.
The stabilisation function of Secugrid® geogrids and Combigrid® composite products thus increases the load-bearing capacity of unbound aggregate over soft ground and improves the serviceability of traffic areas in the long run.