Discover the future of road construction planning: Naue UnpavedRoad – modified GH

Giroud-Han calculator

Welcome to Naue UnpavedRoad – modified GH Software!

Experience a new dimension in road construction planning with the revolutionary Naue UnpavedRoad – modified GH Software. Developed to assist civil engineers and planners in designing safe and efficient foundation concepts for temporary access roads and transport routes, our software offers an intuitive and user-friendly solution for your projects.

Introduction to the Naue UnpavedRoad – modified GH Software

The Naue UnpavedRoad – modified GH Software simplifies the complex design process by combining the fundamental principles of the well-established Giroud & Han (2004) design method with product-specific parameters of Naue Secugrid® geogrids and Combigrid® geocomposites. Validated by independent research findings, our software enables optimised, efficient, and safe designs that enhance the performance of unbound base layers while simultaneously reducing project costs.

Advantages for the civil engineer and planner

  • User-friendly interface: Whether you are an experienced engineer or a newcomer, the intuitive user interface is accessible and easy to use for everyone.

  • Mobile and desktop availability: Use the software conveniently via any web browser or on your desktop

  • Optimised load distribution: The effect of directional stability can optionally be taken into account to simulate a more realistic distribution of vehicle loads on the road surface.

  • Load conversion tool: A separate tool helps to convert different vehicle and axle loads into equivalent single axle loads (ESALs).

  • Cost savings: The software determines the total savings compared to conventional solutions without geosynthetics/geobuilding materials, based on the stabilisation, reinforcement and separation effect of the Secugrid® and Combigrid® product range.

The Naue UnpavedRoad – modified GH Software – Now Live!

Why Naue UnpavedRoad – modified GH?

With the Naue UnpavedRoad – modified GH Software, you not only save time and money but also ensure that your projects meet the highest standards of safety and efficiency. The software takes into account the tested, product-specific performance characteristics of our high-quality geogrids and geocomposites, leading to improved base layer performance and reduced surface deformation.

Naue Webinars – Find your webinar on Naue UnpavedRoad – modified GH Software here
